Non-Poisonous Snakes

The skaapsteker is the most common non-poisonous snake encountered in the berg.  It relies on its striping to blend in with the grass. This often works well because it is a very slender snake. When caught in the open, it may rear up its front end like a rinkhals, but it cannot form a flat hood like the latter. It is mimicked in its colouration and behaviour by the legless lizard.

Other harmless snakes include the common mole snake, the Natal green snake, and the brown water snake.

The common mole snake is usually easily identifiable by its maroon colouration in the Natal Drakensberg. It is an agile and extremely defensive snake, preferring not to give way, and will attempt several strikes from a coiled position if you get too close. Because of the way it coils itself, a large one can strike over a considerable distance, so beware!

The brown water snake can grow to around 2 metres in length, so it is easily the longest snake you might encounter in the Natal Drakensberg. As its name suggests, you are most likely to come across one near river banks. It is a shy snake and will usually flee on your approach, perhaps taking to the water. It is light brown above, but its belly is a beautiful orange colour.

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