Nutcracker Cave

Nutcracker Cave

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Cobham Wilderness Area, lower southern Drakensberg.  Nutcracker Cave is situated in the same valley as Lakes Cave, about 2 km further down-river.  It can be reached easily in a day from the Cobham campsite via excellent paths, and is therefore suitable for beginners.

GPS Coordinates: WGS 84

S29 40.042 E29 20.179 at 1911 metres (Landlubbers Adventures)


Nutcracker Cave is a relatively small cave.  Because of the mud caused by spray from the adjacent waterfall in summer, it can only accommodate 4 people in that season, but in winter it can comfortably accept 6.

Comfort:  4/5

This is a comfortable cave with a relatively level, sandy floor.

Water:  5/5

There is a reliable stream just below the cave, and in summer the waterfall fills a small pond at the cave.

Pools:  2/5

There are several small pools in the stream below the cave. Bigger pools can be found in the main river some distance away.

Shelter:  3/5

The cave provides excellent shelter in winter, but in summer the spray from the waterfall can be a problem.

Outlook:  2/5

The cave is east-facing.  It offers a nice if uninteresting view across the valley, which is quite narrow at this point.

Overall Rating:  16/25

The origin of the name is unknown, but the cave does have a low roof!

Presented by Landlubbers Adventures