Sherman’s Cave

Sherman's Cave

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Cathedral Peak Wilderness Area, lower northern Drakensberg.

GPS Coordinates: WGS 84



Sherman’s Cave is a fairly deep, low overhang which can easily accommodate 10 hikers.

Comfort: 4/5

Most of the floor area is level, but the roof is quite low and requires some stooping!

Water: 4/5

A small, reliable stream runs below the cave, and this can be reached quite easily by contouring back to the main path.

Pools: 1/5

There are no pools in the immediate vicinity of the cave, but a couple of waterfalls make for an adequate wash after a hard day’s walk.

Shelter: 3/5

Because of its low roof, Sherman’s Cave provides good shelter from the rain, but it is fairly exposed to wind. Bearing in mind that it is just off the main path to Cathedral Peak, one can expect very little privacy, and there are no guarantees against theft by passersby while out climbing the peak.

Outlook: 2/5

The cave overlooks a narrow valley and the hillside beyond. This is a mostly uninteresting view and not much more can seen without venturing further up the main path towards Cathedral Peak.

Overall Rating: 14/25


Presented by Landlubbers Adventures