Barker’s Chalet

Barker's Chalet

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Barker's Chalet is a nice outing for pre-teen backpackers.


Cathedral Peak Wilderness Area, lower northern Drakensberg.

GPS Coordinates: WGS 84



Barker’s Chalet is a fairly substantial overhang overlooking a neat little wooded gorge with a good stream and some swimming opportunities in summer. It can easily accommodate the maximum of 5 people specified on the map.

Comfort: 4/5

The sleeping areas are level and smooth, but a bit dusty.

Water: 4/5

A small, reliable stream runs below the cave, and this can be reached quite easily.

Pools: 2/5

In summer there are some shallow pools further up the gorge which are usually quite safe for small children to get to.

Shelter: 3/5

Tucked behind some trees in a little gorge, Barker’s Chalet offers excellent shelter from the elements. However, because of its proximity to the Cathedral Peak hotel, one can expect very little privacy at the cave, and you should not leave any equipment unsupervised.

Outlook: 2/5

The cave is nicely situated in a forested gorge which adds considerable appeal to it, but there is no view beyond this.

Overall Rating: 15/25


Presented by Landlubbers Adventures